Departing from the island of Lampedusa, Linosa is found to 23 Miles, Lamp-post is found to 10 Miles. Lampedusa is the widest of the three islands pelagie, it has an extension of 20 Kmqs around, a population of 5.500 inhabitants that triples him in the summer period. Climate African warm dampness. And' a calcareous boarding of the length of around 7 Kms. descending gradually from east W. The coast on the slope north and in that west it is tall and inaccessible. Mountain Tree situated Sun on the slope western north is the tallest point of the island with its 193 meters Reforested with Mediterranean pine on the western high ground it is bare rather in the North-oriental part. pouring ll eat southeast has less steep rocky coasts that open with numerous Coves that they often finish with beautiful sandy spiaggie. And' bathing tourist destination. The warm season has prolonged him since May to October. And' attainable in airplane from Palermo to which it is connected from 3 flights daily airplanes; and by ship ferry from Porto Empedocle with daily run. The actual inhabitants are shed in big number in the houses manufactured that is by Malteses' the Castle otherwise said the tower of Hemming modified by the same and provided of a trinciera that serves for ri I will brood of the troop and of various people; six stores sites under the left side of the castle those same rather manufactured by the Gatt and or ristaurati serve to the present for the shop and maintenance of the edible son-in-laws, the polverista of the castle reduced to small chiesetta and the casina amendue manufactured by the Fernandes using this residence to many individuals of the new colony.